WINSOR & NEWTON™ | Cotman WATERCOLOUR™ sketchers pocket set — 12 half pans + brush

This lightweight box contains 12 half-pans of intense, intermixable, high-performance watercolour paint, a sable brush and an integrated palette in the lid. More
RRP £ 26.50
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Code 29810
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WINSOR & NEWTON™ | Cotman WATERCOLOUR™ sketchers pocket set — 12 half pans + brush, 12 half pans

This WINSOR & NEWTON™ Cotman WATERCOLOUR™ sketchers pocket set is lightweight and contains 12 half-pans of intense, intermixable, high-performance watercolour paints, a sable brush and an integrated palette in the lid.

These high quality watercolours are extremely lightfast.

The WINSOR & NEWTON™ Cotman WATERCOLOUR™ sketchers pocket set contains the following colours:

  • Cadmium yellow light ○ Cadmium yellow ○ Cadmium red light ○ Alizarin crimson ○ Ultramarine ○ Cobalt blue ○ Sap green ○ Viridian ○ Yellow ochre ○ Burnt Sienna ○ Burnt umber ○ Chinese white.

Price per set.

Stock availability online does not reflect availability in-store.
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