Our printmaking sections offers all the colours, tools and accessories required for a wide range of printing techniques including linocut, intaglio, engraving, screenprinting and woodcut.
From the simplest designs made by children's handprints to a detailed etching on copper, our printmaking sections offers all the colours, tools and accessories required for a wide range of printing techniques including linocut, intaglio, engraving, screenprinting and woodcut. Our selection of high quality printmakings inks includes colours from charbonnel, Caligo, Essdee and Schmincke, as well as our private brand Gerstaecker inks for both itaglio and relief prints. We also include a range of marking making tools, gouges, etching needles and rollers, lino blocks and copper and zinc plates, as well as a range of presses to suit different budgets and studio sizes.