KNORR prandell | keraquick Casting Powder — air drying

This ceramic powder forms a porcelain-like, smooth, very hard surface which can be painted. It is especially suitable for casting reliefs, figurines, and deco articles. More
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Code 49241100 
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1 kg: £ 8.39
£ 8.39

Code 49242105 
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1 kg: £ 7.44
£ 37.19

KNORR prandell keraquick Casting Powder is a ceramic powder specifically suitable for casting reliefs, figurines, and deco articles. It forms a porcelain-like, smooth, break-proof surface which can be painted.

This KNORR prandell keraquick Casting Powder is easy to work with, odourless, brilliant white, and cures quickly. It offers high molding accuracy and easy removal from the mold. KNORR prandell keraquick Casting Powder is air-drying and hardens in the mold after approx. 30-40 minutes, depending on the thickness of the cast piece.

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