WINSOR & NEWTON™ | Cotman WATERCOLOUR™ pocket sets — 8 half pans + travel brush

These sets of 8 half pans also include a pocket brush. The sets are themed. More
RRP £ 21.25
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Code 61926 
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RRP £ 21.25
£ 19.00

Code 61927 
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RRP £ 21.25
£ 19.00

Code 61928 
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RRP £ 21.25
£ 19.00

Code 61929 
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RRP £ 21.25
£ 19.00

WINSOR & NEWTON™ Cotman WATERCOLOUR™ pocket sets contain 8 half pans, selected around classic watercolour themes. Each set also includes a WINSOR & NEWTON™ travel brush.

These watercolours are outstanding quality and give excellent yield. The colours appear subtly transparent on watercolour paper.

WINSOR & NEWTON™ Cotman WATERCOLOURS™ are easy to dissolve and are colour intensive. All colours are intermixable. They are prepared from fine pigments, used according to tried and tested recipes, to ensure the highest performance.

The following WINSOR & NEWTON™ Cotman WATERCOLOUR™ pocket sets are available:

61926 - Portrait set, containing

  • Cadmium yellow pale hue ○ Cadmium red hue ○ Rose madder hue ○ Yellow ochre ○ Burnt Sienna ○ Burnt umber ○ Indigo ○ Chinese white

61927 - Floral set, containing

  • Lemon yellow hue ○ Cadmium yellow hue ○ Cadium red deep hue ○ Permanent rose ○ Dioxazine violet ○ Ultramarine ○ Sap green ○ Chinese white

61928 - Sky set, containing

  • Lemon yellow hue ○ Cadmium red hue ○ Rose madder hue ○ Ultramarine ○ Cerulean blue hue ○ Indigo ○ Payne's grey ○ Chinese white

61929 - Landscape set, containing

  • Cadmium yellow hue ○ Alizarin crimson hue ○ Ultramarine ○ Sap green ○ Yellow ochre ○ Raw umber ○ Burnt Sienna ○ Payne's grey

Price per set.

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