Stabilo Woody Coloured Pencil Sets

Stabilo Woody Coloured Pencil Sets are ideal for small children as the pencils are chunky yet lightweight, and the leads are virtually unbreakable. They are crayons, watercolours and wax crayons all in one. More
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Code 27921 
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6 pencils
£ 10.52

Code 27922 
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10 pencils
£ 17.54

Stabilo Woody Coloured Pencil Sets are ideal for small children as the pencils are chunky yet lightweight, and the leads are virtually unbreakable. They are crayons, watercolours and wax crayons all in one.

These Stabilo Woody Coloured Pencils are ideal for use on dark papers and on smooth surfaces such as glass, metal etc. The extra large 10mm leads last 8 times as long as conventional crayons. They are water soluble so easy to remove with a damp cloth.

Stabilo Woody Coloured Pencils are made 100% from PEFC-certified wood.

The following Stabilo Woody Coloured Pencil Sets are available:

  • 27921 - 6 pencils, in yellow, red, lilac, ultramarine, dark green, brown
  • 27922 - 10 pencils in the colours above, plus flesh colour, black, silver, gold
  • 27923 - 18 pencils in the colours above, plus white, pink, heather, violet, medium blue, cyan, turquoise, light green, plus a sharpener.

Price per set.

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